Juan de Frías, Lutheran martyr of Venezuela

In 1672, the Inquisition imprisoned four priests on the charge of being unrepentant Lutheran heretics. Three of the priests were Canary Islanders serving in Venezuela; the fourth was a native Venezuelan from Caracas named Juan de Frías.

Life Ministry Library

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has assembled a large online collection of papers, articles, and information on life issues.

I Will Grieve for the Suicide

In this book, the Rev. Peter Preus provides Gospel comfort for those who are left behind after a Christian commits suicide. He addresses the stigma, psychology and theology of suicide, as well as the grieving process that follows it, and the hope Christians can find in Christ.

‘What About?’ pamphlets

“What About?” is a series of 27 pamphlets written by Rev. Dr. A.L. Barry, former president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Imposing Death Safely

God's mercy in Christ is [our] only hope to be saved. Not without death, but despite it, through it, and from it.

Tips for English Conversation Partners

The LCMS Office of International Mission has been partnering with our missionaries to provide volunteer support to ongoing English-based outreach efforts. These tips are based on one missionary’s experience hosting an online conversation group, but most can be applied in any English conversation partner setting.

Emotions and the Church

One thing that happens because we are a church body that highly values thinking and learning is that we talk less about our emotions.