Life Together with President Harrison – July 2024

This edition features stories on close(d) Communion, teaching God’s Word at home, and church plants in Kansas and Texas; a video tour of the LCMS International Center; photos from the worship institute; and other resources.

Life Together with President Harrison – June 2024

This edition features a video “short” about Luther’s ‘A Simple Way to Pray,’ an article on disaster response efforts after Midwestern tornadoes, a story about the LCMS using donations to provide tangible acts of mercy, KFUO Radio programs, and other resources.

‘God’s Mission Here’ Newsletter — June-July 2024

This edition shares information about an apologetics curriculum for teens and adults, the Synod's directory of Recognized Service Organizations, and a new accountability campaign that shares stories of how donations to LCMS World Relief and Human Care have been used to provide tangible acts of mercy to people all around the world.

‘God’s Mission Here’ Newsletter — May 2024

This edition shares information about new episodes of the "God's Mission Here" podcast, upcoming conferences from LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry and LCMS Youth Ministry, and free resources now available through the Every One His Witness evangelism program.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Spring 2024 newsletter

This issue highlights how private schools are being forced to comply with Title IX anti-discrimination regulations, a book on becoming "a street-level pro-life-apologist" and the increase in hostility against churches.

Life Together with President Harrison – April 2024

This edition features a video message from President Harrison on church planting, stories about the Synod’s response after Chilean wildfires and LWML mission grants, a feature on how parents can help their children understand God’s gift of sexuality, a story on Lutheranism in Rome, resources and more.

‘God’s Mission Here’ Newsletter — March 2024

This edition shares information about the upcoming 2024 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music; how to connect with a local LCMS U chapter; and the application period for the Synod’s national development grants.