CTCR Library — Man and Woman in the Church

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations examine Scripture to address the topics of creation, women's military service, women’s suffrage in the church, and women's service in the church.

CTCR Library — Marriage and Sexuality

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations provides Scriptural perspectives to explain God’s design for human sexuality and marriage between one man and one woman.

CTCR evaluation – ‘Lutheran World Federation’

The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations provides an overview of the Lutheran World Federation as a resource in advising partner churches about the LWF and the Commission’s concern over their joint membership with the LWF.

‘What About?’ pamphlets

“What About?” is a series of 27 pamphlets written by Rev. Dr. A.L. Barry, former president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Spring 2017 newsletter

Read the latest about Judge Ruth Neely, a member of Our Savior Lutheran Church — an LCMS congregation in Pinedale, Wyo. — whom state officials censured even though they chose not to remove her from her judiciary duties for her faith-based beliefs about marriage.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Fall 2016 newsletter

The Fall 2016 issue of the Free To Be Faithful Newsletter features information on important court cases and related issues at the forefront this year having significant implications for the rights of Christians to live faithfully.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Spring 2016 newsletter

The spring 2016 Free To Be Faithful Newsletter contains information about several pending U.S. Supreme Court cases affecting religious liberty, including those impacting the pro-life movement and the Catholic organization Little Sisters of the Poor.