Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — Christ’s Passion
Advertise your congregation’s service schedule with free, customizable resources and invite community members to worship.
Advertise your congregation’s service schedule with free, customizable resources and invite community members to worship.
Advertise your Lent and Easter services by using these free, customizable resources.
These coloring pages will engage your child in the service both physically and visually. Download and print the entire coloring book as a PDF, or each coloring page is also available as a separate PDF.
Video equipment and technology are getting lots of use these days in church sanctuaries, staff homes and other places. However, there is one place, usually a hub of hospitality, not seeing any action these during this time: the church kitchen.
The Christian who prepares an "elevator speech" on Christ’s resurrection will be blessed in the preparation and opportunity to share it.
It is easy to unintentionally miss celebrating Easter in the midst of our busyness. Fortunately for us, God’s grace and mercy never miss us.