Advocating for the unborn, weak and vulnerable
This edition includes a video on the Synod’s pro-life efforts; congregational spotlight series photos; stories about ongoing hurricane recovery, Christian families and a new Lutheran school; podcasts; resources; events and more.
Для вашего образования и просвещения Лютеранская церковь — Синод Миссури собрала коллекцию документов, статей и информации по вопросам жизни.
Colección de documentos, artículos e información sobre temas de vida.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations has issued reports on the topics of abortion, reproductive ethics, cloning, human care, and end-of-life concerns and decisions.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on Christian living issues.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on Christian ethics issues.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on parenting issues.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on bioethics issues.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on adoption issues.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on abortion issues.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on vocation.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on suffering.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on suicide.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on sexuality.
Collection of papers, articles, and information on the Two Kingdoms.