The items in these kits may be personalized with the local parish’s information.
We are pleased to make the following kits available for you and your congregation to use in reaching out to your community. The items are designed to allow you to add your invitation and local details about your worship services. You are invited to use these resources to advertise your congregation or simply to generate opportunities for pastoral conversations in your community.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — Christ’s Passion
Advertise your congregation’s service schedule with free, customizable resources and invite community members to worship.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — We Preach Christ Crucified
Advertise your Lent and Easter services by using these free, customizable resources.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — This is love
Advertise your Lent and Easter services by using these free, customizable resources.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — Death is Defeated
Advertise your Holy Week and Easter services by using these free, customizable resources.
Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — Life and Death are at Stake
Advertise your Holy Week and Easter services by using these free, customizable resources.
Advent and Christmas media kit — Rejoice: The Lord is at Hand
Advertise your congregation’s service schedule with free, customizable resources and invite community members to worship…
Advent and Christmas media kit — Behold
Advertise your Advent and Christmas services by using these free, customizable resources.
Advent and Christmas media kit — Christ Came For You
Advertise your Advent and Christmas services by using these free, customizable resources.
All Season Welcome Media Kit
This “Welcome” media kit is designed to help pastors and congregations welcome their members and…