Bible Study with Luther: Genesis 6-8

Because we believe that this world will end and our Lord Jesus Christ “will come again to judge the living and the dead,” the world scoffs at and is hostile to what we preach. As we hold fast to the Word of God, let us consider how...

Joy in a Beleaguered Church

The LCMS might be shrinking and North American culture might be becoming more hostile toward Christianity, but hand-wringing is not a Christian ceremony. The Lord calls us to hopefulness and joy.

Smalcald Articles Study: Chapters and Cloisters

In article III, Luther confesses how dangerous the monastic life was to him and to all ensnared by its promises of “grace through holy living;” Such reasoning robs Christ of His glory as the Savior.

It Takes the Church

The Church is in the business of pastoral formation. She expends much in forming men over the course time to shepherd the faith and life of God's people.

How Is It With You?

There is only one Church. We confess this in the communion liturgy when we say that we are lauding and magnifying God’s glorious name with angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven.

The Method of Melanchthon’s Loci Communes

Locus is the Latin word for "place". Loci are places. And Loci Communes are common places where one may like to put things, either in the mind or in a book—organized, as if in a physical location, and easy to retrieve when needed.