Advocating for the unborn, weak and vulnerable

KFUO Audio: Aid in Living, Not Dying

Dr. Ken Stevens, spokesperson for the Physician Aid in Living Coalition, talked on Nov. 21 with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about how euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide conflicts with the vocation of doctor.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Fall 2016 newsletter

The Fall 2016 issue of the Free To Be Faithful Newsletter features information on important court cases and related issues at the forefront this year having significant implications for the rights of Christians to live faithfully.

Right from the beginning – Bible Study

Written to accompany the video for Erin Bode’s song “Right from the Beginning,” this Bible study teaches the truth of life as a gift from God, while facing the reality of our sinful condition, all in light of God’s love in Christ Jesus.

LCMS Life Ministry — Summer 2016 newsletter

In the summer 2016 issue Notes for Life, LCMS Life Ministry encourages Christians to embrace our pro-life identity. In His every action, God has shown us that He is for life, even in its most broken state. Because God has created us in His image and sent His Son to redeem us, we are pro-life.

KFUO Audio: Interview with Rev. Jeffrey Dock about Options for Women

KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates and Rev. Jeffrey Dock – pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Louisiana, Mo., and president of Options for Women – discuss the new pregnancy resource center in Bowling Green, Mo. The center, which opened on May 2, serves Bowling Green and surrounding counties in northeast Missouri.

LCMS Life Ministry — Spring 2016 newsletter

In the spring 2016 issue Notes for Life, LCMS Life Ministry provides insight and encouragement into how Christians should join the battlegrounds for life, each one suited with the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6) to fight against the devil’s attacks.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Spring 2016 newsletter

The spring 2016 Free To Be Faithful Newsletter contains information about several pending U.S. Supreme Court cases affecting religious liberty, including those impacting the pro-life movement and the Catholic organization Little Sisters of the Poor.

LCMS Life Ministry — Winter 2015 newsletter

In the winter 2015 issue of Notes for Life, LCMS Life Ministry provides insights and encouragement for ministry to the mentally ill and shares ways to intentionally care for the poor.