LCMS Life Ministry — Spring 2022 newsletter
The Spring 2022 issue of LCMS Life Ministry’s newsletter reminds us how we can care for mothers, babies, and their families after birth.
Advocating for the unborn, weak and vulnerable
The Spring 2022 issue of LCMS Life Ministry’s newsletter reminds us how we can care for mothers, babies, and their families after birth.
As a part of the Million Dollar Life Match initiative, LCMS Life Ministry is pleased to offer a series of Bible studies written by LCMS pastors who are engaged in local life ministry efforts.
The Life Ministry newsletter for Winter 2022 includes the announcement of the Million Dollar Life Match, a new life grant program from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Resources are available to help your congregation build excitement around starting a new pro-life mercy project or expanding an existing one and to promote your work in the community.
The Fall 2021 News and Notes newsletter offers hopeful updates for defenders of life, including information about a hormone that allows a woman to reverse the effects of abortion-inducing drugs.
“Gospel Relief for the Despairing: Speaking Christian Comfort to the Depressed and the Suicidal” — that may benefit pastors as they meet with the despairing Christian.
Deaconess Tiffany Manor presented a webinar in which she delves into life issues as they are impacted in the city.
As life topics and issues arise in our society, we pray that government leaders, officials and the judicial systems in all nations would work to defend the lives of all people.
Esta es una colección de videos es Español que fueron presentados durante la conferencia de la vida en Marzo 2021.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has assembled a large online collection of papers, articles, and information on life issues.
In this book, the Rev. Peter Preus provides Gospel comfort for those who are left behind after a Christian commits suicide. He addresses the stigma, psychology and theology of suicide, as well as the grieving process that follows it, and the hope Christians can find in Christ.
The LCMS Life Ministry newsletter focuses on human trafficking, which affects people around the world, even some in our own congregations and communities.
The Winter 2020 News and Notes newsletter announces the virtual LCMS Life Conference to be held in March 2021.
Worship resources are available to help plan your congregation’s observance of the Sanctity of Human Life.
The LCMS Life Ministry newsletter shares how we as Lutherans can care for and show Christ’s love to others in all stages of life, even in the midst of a challenging and overwhelming year.