Insight and perspective from LCMS leaders

A Christmas Day Devotion for the Poor Among Us

Apart from God - we are all in the dark, we are all hungry, we are all homeless and alone. And when it comes to being saved by God, we are all beggars with nothing to offer. But God sent His Son to lavish us in the richness of His love and mercy. So my dear friends if you feel unwanted, unloved, unforgiven, lonely and written off by the world as unimportant, then let me just say this – Merry Christmas! God has sent His Son because you are wanted, you are loved, and you are forgiven. You are so precious that God would send His one and only Son to be born, to live, and to die in poverty so that you can have eternal life in glory with Him.

What Did The Reformers Say About Angels?

As Western Christians celebrate the church festival of St. Michael and All Angels (also known as Michaelmas) during this season, it is fitting to explore the topics of interest regarding angels that occupied the thoughts of the Reformers—namely, their existence and how they intervene on God’s behalf in the lives of Christians—and examine what the Church actually confesses concerning these creatures as taught from Holy Scripture.

Thoughts and encouragement from a disaster pro

I am pleased to offer this brief but worthwhile Hurricane Harvey-related commentary by my esteemed predecessor as Director of LCMS Disaster Response, the Rev. Glenn F. Merritt, now retired in Arlington, Texas.

Lutheran Congregational Mercy Work

*This is Part two of seven in a series of Basic Theology of Mercy Work Series* Lutheran Congregational Mercy Work There has recently been a resurgence of congregational mercy work…

Celebrate the Reformation by Reading the Bible

Luther and others came to believe that the only thing in this world that is fully trustworthy and infallible is the Bible. It is, of course, subject to abuse, misinterpretation, and misapplication by fallen men, but it is clear and simple enough that Christians can understand it. Everyone then should be urged to read it and everyone who does so in faith will be blessed.