Life Together with President Harrison – July 2024

This edition features stories on close(d) Communion, teaching God’s Word at home, and church plants in Kansas and Texas; a video tour of the LCMS International Center; photos from the worship institute; and other resources.

Life Together with President Harrison – June 2024

This edition features a video “short” about Luther’s ‘A Simple Way to Pray,’ an article on disaster response efforts after Midwestern tornadoes, a story about the LCMS using donations to provide tangible acts of mercy, KFUO Radio programs, and other resources.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Spring 2024 newsletter

This issue highlights how private schools are being forced to comply with Title IX anti-discrimination regulations, a book on becoming "a street-level pro-life-apologist" and the increase in hostility against churches.

Life Together with President Harrison – April 2024

This edition features a video message from President Harrison on church planting, stories about the Synod’s response after Chilean wildfires and LWML mission grants, a feature on how parents can help their children understand God’s gift of sexuality, a story on Lutheranism in Rome, resources and more.