Serving those who serve

Video: ‘Caring for Pastors’

In this video presentation, Chaplain (Army Lt. Col.) Steven C. Hokana shares a word of encouragement for pastors who are struggling through the current coronavirus pandemic. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod loves you and cares deeply about you.

LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces

Follow our LCMS chaplains as they bring the Gospel of Christ and speak life into circumstances of death and hardship, whether on land, sea or air.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Fall 2018 newsletter

“Free to be Faithful Newsletter” provides update on the U.S. Army dropping its investigation against Southern Baptist chaplain Jerry Scott Squires, who was charged with discrimination against a lesbian soldier who wanted to attend a marriage retreat.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Summer 2018 newsletter

LCMS' “Free to be Faithful Newsletter” provides an update on the case concerning ministers' housing allowances. Churches should note this discussion is taking place, as it could change the way pastors are paid.