Through this monthly digital news digest, President Harrison shares highlights from Synod publications and multimedia outlets.

Life Together with President Harrison – May 2019

LCMS President Matthew Harrison encourages us to thank God for 172 years as The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, 60 years of blessings through the Director of Christian Education program, 100 years of deaconesses serving the Synod and 125 years of LCMS international mission work.

Life Together with President Harrison – February 2019

Who do you know that might make a great pastor, deaconess, teacher, parish musician or director of Christian education? In the February 2019 "Life Together News Digest," LCMS President Matthew Harrison talks with a fellow pastor in Florida who regularly prays for and encourages young people to serve as church workers.

Life Together with President Harrison – January 2019

In the January 2019 "Life Together News Digest," LCMS President Matthew Harrison discusses how we -- the Body of Christ -- can walk together with vitality at the local gym, in our churches, throughout the Synod and among the people of this world.

Life Together with President Harrison – October 2018

LCMS President Matthew Harrison reminds us in October's Life Together News Digest of the gift we’ve been given in our pastors, and Harrison shows how we can respond joyfully in return for these faithful servants during Pastor Appreciation Month.

Life Together with President Harrison – August 2018

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, talks about the great joy that is ours to share when pastors, circuit visitors and district presidents make visitation a high priority in ministry.