Encouraging Christ-centered wellness for church workers and laity

Taking Spiritual Vitals

This presentation will provide parish nurses with an overview of spiritual assessments as well as some simple-to-use guidelines for holistic care.

Holding Up the Prophet’s Hand

Hartung will share insights and applications for parish nurses from his book Holding Up the Prophet’s Hand, published by Concordia Publishing House.

KFUO Audio: The Whole Family Matters

Bethesda Lutheran Communities' Mona Fuerstenau says it’s important to involve the whole family of a person with a disability in the journey through life.

KFUO Audio: Aid in Living, Not Dying

Dr. Ken Stevens, spokesperson for the Physician Aid in Living Coalition, talked on Nov. 21 with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about how euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide conflicts with the vocation of doctor.