The huge impact of volunteering
Approximately $65 billion of volunteer effort was given by faithful Christians serving through their church.
Approximately $65 billion of volunteer effort was given by faithful Christians serving through their church.
"Building Up the Body: Worker-to-Worker" devotions offer words of Law and Gospel encouragement from one LCMS church worker to another.
Every year, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod sends short-term volunteers to international locations. Read how the “ordinary” skills of volunteers have been put to use to further God’s kingdom around the world.
Ministry can seem like a long haul. What encouragement and daily resources does God give His workers?
Volunteering is as much a joyful sacrifice as any philanthropist’s donation, and it showcases the talents and time God has entrusted to the volunteer.
The LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission newsletter provides insight into how congregations can more effectively engage the rural and small-town communities in which they exist.
Advertise your Holy Week and Easter services by using these free, customizable resources.
Volunteers make a difference in the lives of many military connected people through the Operation Barnabas program.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month to use in church publications.
During a webinar on “Insights on Black Ministry,” the Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Gray shared ways to establish and grow ministry to African-Americans in your community, and he addressed unique challenges such as racism, poverty, discrimination, and family structure.
President Harrison reminds us we have a treasure in the church called The Litany, a beautiful prayer that helps us to pray for that which we might not otherwise remember.
LCMS Stewardship Ministry seeks to debunk three stewardship untruths that can threaten a steward’s relationship with the Lord.
The power of the Gospel has greatly impacted the lives of African-American Lutherans.
Baptism is a daily reality for each Christian, who lives out the reality of God's gifts received in Baptism.
We don't need to fulfill any church member’s expectations (real or imagined) of what a pastor’s wife, ministry spouse, pastor, teacher, or other church worker should be. We only need to focus on God, the One who calls us free in the grace of Christ.