CTCR Library — Religious Organizations, Movements, and Lodges
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations provides evaluations of world religions, religious organizations, movements, and fraternal organizations and lodges.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations provides evaluations of world religions, religious organizations, movements, and fraternal organizations and lodges.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations has compiled Bible study materials and presentation slides for pastors to use in guiding congregations through God’s Word while examining various church and societal matters.
Established out of convention resolutions, LCMS task force report topics include abortion, life issues, licensed lay deacons, homosexual clergy in the ELCA, and ministering to homosexuals and their families.
As an additional way of carrying out its assignments, the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations utilizes conferences and convocations to bring theological matters for discussion to the membership of the Synod.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations commissioned three Concordia Seminary professors to write opinion papers after an organization published materials about human sexuality and gender identity.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations shares minority opinions from members on CTCR reports about racism, civic event participation, lay teachers of theology, and the Divine Call.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations responds to dissent from Synod members on topics including lay ministers, women's ordination, and participation in civic events.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations provides staff responses to CTCR reports on topics including racism, homosexuality, and the service of women in the church.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations shares statements from other churches on topics including Scripture, cremation, and homosexuality.
In collaboration with Concordia Theological Seminary and Concordia Seminary, the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations responds to actions and declarations by ecumenical organizations.
These resources are great for choir rehearsals, Bible study starters, and bulletin inserts. Above all, we recommend using them for your personal devotional use.
An outpouring of gifts to LCMS World Relief and Human Care have helped provide for people in crisis, both in the United States and in Venezuela.
This resource offer guidance and spiritual support for individuals, caregivers and others who are navigating various mental health challenges.
The 'So Help Me God' newsletter takes up two big questions: Who am I? Why am I here?
Downloadable prayer cards are easy-to-print documents with background information, prayer requests, and giving information for missionary families and individuals serving the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.