Featuring papers from the recent LCMS Mission Summit, the April issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission discusses and critiques seminary education and the importance of teaching the faith both at home and around the world.
Table of Contents
- From the President: Teaching the Faith and Mission — by Matthew C. Harrison
- Tribute to Ethiopian Theologian Gedion Adunga — by Albert B. Collver III
- Novosibirsk: A Lutheran Seminary Model for Theological Education in Russia — by Timothy C. J. Quill
- Theological Education and the Global Seminary Initiative — A Review and Look to the Future — by Albert B. Collver III
- Response to Dr. Albert Collver (LCMS Mission Summit, Nov. 19, 2015) — by Lawrence R. Rast, Jr.
- Response to Dr. Albert Collver, “Theological Education and the Global Seminary Initiative — A Review and Look to the Future” (LCMS Mission Summit, Nov. 19, 2015) — by Jeffrey Kloha
- A Reflection on Theological Education in the Twentieth Century — by Robert H. Bennett
- Colonialism in the Global South: The Imperialism of Western Sexual Ethics* — by Albert B. Collver III
- Teaching the Faith in the Parish — by Mark Blanke
- Book Review and Commentary — Making the Case for Christianity: Responding to Modern Objections | Edited by Corey D. Maas and Adam Francisco (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2014) — by Jacob Corzine
- Book Review and Commentary — Mercy in Action: Essays on Mercy, Human Care and Disaster Response | Edited by Ross Edward Johnson, introduced by Matthew C. Harrison (St. Louis: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod,2015) — by Mark C. Mattes
- Book Review and Commentary — Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense: A Response to Contemporary Challenges | by C. Stephen Evans (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2015) — by John T. Pless
- Book Review and Commentary — Handling the Word of Truth: Law and Gospel in the Church Today | (Revised Edition) by John T. Pless (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2015) — by Mark Loest
- Book Review and Commentary — The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Institute | by Daniel Harmelink (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2016) — by Journal of Lutheran Mission Editors