The Reformation of the Lutheran Church in America Today
Fast coming up on the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, what is the Reformation in its present form - right here and right now?
Fast coming up on the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, what is the Reformation in its present form - right here and right now?
Theologically, this chorale is based on the work of the third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit (Ghost), who is expressly celebrated on the Day of Pentecost.
There is only one Church. We confess this in the communion liturgy when we say that we are lauding and magnifying God’s glorious name with angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven.
The new LCMS resource — “Faith, Hope and Love: A Threefold Response to 13 Reasons Why” — examines the popular Netflix series about teen struggles and suicide.
In this life, we need the church, where our sins are daily and richly forgiven for the sake of Christ. The Holy Spirit crucifies the Old Adam and the body of sin every day of our lives by daily contrition and repentance.
Provides a timely theological response and reflection for teenagers, young adults and grown adults.
Locus is the Latin word for "place". Loci are places. And Loci Communes are common places where one may like to put things, either in the mind or in a book—organized, as if in a physical location, and easy to retrieve when needed.
Luther says that the invocation of saints "destroys the knowledge of Christ." How would you say the invocation of saints does this? What is the consequence of such destruction?
A collection of suggested Reformation books for a congregational library or other interested readers.
It is important for us to identify young people who have a heart for ministry and encourage them to consider church work as a vocation.
When we depend on ourselves, our strength, our goodness, even our faith, it will fail. In fact, when we build our house on anything but the rock it will be destroyed. Idols will all fall away.
Rather than leaving Adam and Eve in the depravity of their alienation and hostility, God promised One Who would come and crush the serpent’s head. Jesus is the promised Seed of the Woman Who would reconcile a world of sinners back to God.
The Reformation was birthed by adults, but it is preserved by children. For centuries, pastors and parents have been preaching a holy heritage into the ears of the young, clearly confessing a salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
‘13 Reasons Why’ gives those who work with youth an opportunity to dialogue about tough topics. Here are some ways to engage.
The Christian who prepares an "elevator speech" on Christ’s resurrection will be blessed in the preparation and opportunity to share it.