God bless our volunteers!
We give thanks to God for the incredible support He gives to us through our volunteers.
We give thanks to God for the incredible support He gives to us through our volunteers.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations adopted a report on “Women and Military Service: A Lutheran Perspective” to address the issue of women serving in the military, particularly in combat roles.
To help individuals and congregations commemorate the Reformation, the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) developed prepared Bible studies on the doctrine of justification.
Sarah Harms, GEO missionary in the Czech Republic, who participated in her first English Bible Camp in 2017.
Whether in Hong Kong or Taiwan, the Synod's mission in the Asia region does not change. The work continues to focus on the preaching of Christ crucified.
It's day one of the first ever Mercy Medical Team serving in Togo. Walk through the day with us to see what it's like to serve in a medical clinic on…
For this topic, there is really only one question to be considered: What is the importance of this sentence: “Baptism is nothing other than God’s Word in the water, commanded by His institution”?
Apart from God - we are all in the dark, we are all hungry, we are all homeless and alone. And when it comes to being saved by God, we are all beggars with nothing to offer. But God sent His Son to lavish us in the richness of His love and mercy. So my dear friends if you feel unwanted, unloved, unforgiven, lonely and written off by the world as unimportant, then let me just say this – Merry Christmas! God has sent His Son because you are wanted, you are loved, and you are forgiven. You are so precious that God would send His one and only Son to be born, to live, and to die in poverty so that you can have eternal life in glory with Him.
Discover both the opportunities and challenges the Lutheran Church experiences 500 years after the Reformation.
John 14:25–31 25 “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he…
“Savior of the Nations, Come” includes longing or expectation for a Savior; the work of Jesus and His triumph over death; and life in the light of Christ. It is the appointed Hymn of the Day for the first Sunday in Advent in both the one and three-year lectionary.
In his lectures on Genesis, Luther marvelously describes the nature of faith and believing. Abraham was justified by faith (Rom. 4:1-6). He believed the extraordinary promises of the Lord and the Lord counted it to him as righteousness (Gen. 15:6). The same is true for you.
This Parable of the Ten Virgins basis for Philipp Nicolai’s great hymn, “Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying” (LSB 516). Known as the “King of Chorales,” this is the Hymn of the Day for the Last Sunday of the Church Year.
The Western Church, prior to the Lutheran Reformation, had been arguing about the church. Was its top instance of decision-making authority, for example, the Roman Curia or a (properly convened) council?
This one-session Bible study helps participants see the whole Reformation as a quest for pure Gospel (“Christ saves”) preaching. Download and distribute for Sunday morning Bible class or a home study!