Insight and perspective from LCMS leaders

Thoughts and encouragement from a disaster pro

I am pleased to offer this brief but worthwhile Hurricane Harvey-related commentary by my esteemed predecessor as Director of LCMS Disaster Response, the Rev. Glenn F. Merritt, now retired in Arlington, Texas.

Lutheran Congregational Mercy Work

*This is Part two of seven in a series of Basic Theology of Mercy Work Series* Lutheran Congregational Mercy Work There has recently been a resurgence of congregational mercy work…

Celebrate the Reformation by Reading the Bible

Luther and others came to believe that the only thing in this world that is fully trustworthy and infallible is the Bible. It is, of course, subject to abuse, misinterpretation, and misapplication by fallen men, but it is clear and simple enough that Christians can understand it. Everyone then should be urged to read it and everyone who does so in faith will be blessed.

Joy in a Beleaguered Church

The LCMS might be shrinking and North American culture might be becoming more hostile toward Christianity, but hand-wringing is not a Christian ceremony. The Lord calls us to hopefulness and joy.

It Takes the Church

The Church is in the business of pastoral formation. She expends much in forming men over the course time to shepherd the faith and life of God's people.

How Is It With You?

There is only one Church. We confess this in the communion liturgy when we say that we are lauding and magnifying God’s glorious name with angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven.