LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – September 2019 newsletter

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission newsletter explores how pastors follow St. Paul’s example when they show their congregations that they too are sinners in need of Jesus, not when they seek to hold themselves up as the perfect example to be imitated.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – July 2019 newsletter

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission newsletter highlights what really works for stewardship in the rural parish (or in any parish, really): putting God’s Word first, finding stewardship’s place in the Christian life and in the work of pastors, and teaching how to support the Lord’s work in a faithful way.

Life Together with President Harrison – May 2019

LCMS President Matthew Harrison encourages us to thank God for 172 years as The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, 60 years of blessings through the Director of Christian Education program, 100 years of deaconesses serving the Synod and 125 years of LCMS international mission work.