Deaconess resources now available in Spanish
Spanish speakers can now learn about the deaconess vocation in their own language.
Spanish speakers can now learn about the deaconess vocation in their own language.
This new resource from LCMS Health Ministry provides straightforward and inexpensive ideas to help volunteers — Sunday school teachers, VBS leaders, youth workers and others — include people of all abilities in their next church event.
From its roots in the Reformation to its carefully preserved remnant today, the history of confessional Lutheranism in Finland is a testament to the work of the Lord establishing and keeping His Church throughout all generations in every corner of the world.
This Winter 2016 Parish Nurse Newsletter focuses on the communities in which parish nurses live and practice — with the pastor and parish staff, congregations and districts, and the global community.
The false teachers in Galatia were, as Luther says, “Changing the Law into grace and grace into Law, Moses into Christ and Christ into Moses. For they teach that...
Clearly Luther saw marriage and the estate of the family as important, but what does this mean for us? Seeing how important this was for Luther first of all gives us an insight as to how we should encourage people to view marriage and the family in our time.
LCMS Worship offers brief table devotions during the Easter season.
In the March 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ, congregations are reminded of how, when they reach out to those in need, God uses them to multiply His love and help people in various ways.
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates talks with Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Steven Hokana, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Assistant Director of Ministry to the Armed Forces, about Hokana’s new position. Hokana helps oversee the Synod’s ministry to U.S. service members, veterans and their families.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church bulletins and newsletters, respectively.
The first quarter 2016 edition of Black Ministry’s TimeLine newsletter celebrates and reflects on 100-plus years of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod sharing the Gospel in Alabama.
In the February 2016 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry discusses how the Lord has given us only one day to use as steward: today. The faithful Christian steward is called to become a faithful steward of today.
Martin Luther remarks regarding the First Commandment: “[W]here the heart is rightly set toward God and this commandment is observed, all the other commandments follow.”
Martin Luther died at 3:00 AM on February 18, 1546. Contrary to the expectations of Luther and many of his colleagues, he did not die in Wittenberg, the location of many of his greatest accomplishments.
When Philipp Melanchthon spoke on Luther’s death in 1546, he said about himself and his fellow Lutherans, “We resemble orphans bereft of an excellent and faithful father.”