Sharing Advent Joy With The Whole Family
People groups to remember and care for this Christmas as well as ideas to serve for the whole family.
Serving those who serve
People groups to remember and care for this Christmas as well as ideas to serve for the whole family.
Chaplain Craig Muehler, director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, spoke on Nov. 9 about the role and history of chaplains in the military during a World Lutheran News Digest program with KFUO host Kip Allen.
The Fall 2016 issue of the Free To Be Faithful Newsletter features information on important court cases and related issues at the forefront this year having significant implications for the rights of Christians to live faithfully.
This issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces highlights how God is present in our suffering. The quarterly newsletter shares reminders of this promise and the fact that we can find comfort in the Bible — God’s Holy Word.
LCMS chaplains serve our Lord, His church and our nation with courage and integrity, as they provide pastoral care and support to those who defend our nation. Through efforts like Operation Barnabas, the Ministry to the Armed Forces provides training and guidance to local congregations to care for and to support to our military members, their families and veterans in our local communities.
In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, the topic of serving our neighbors when they are hurting is discussed. Suggestions as to what we should say and do at these times are shared. In addition, advice on how to uphold the Eighth Commandment on Facebook is given.
During an interview with KFUO Radio’s Joanie Harwell on May 13, the Rev. Tristan Engle, who is preparing to serve as a U.S. Navy chaplain, and the Rev. Craig Muehler, director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, talk about becoming a chaplain in the armed forces.
In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, information is provided about The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s project Operation Barnabas. Operation Barnabas seeks to train and equip people in our congregations to reach out to veterans and their families.
KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates talks with Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Steven Hokana, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Assistant Director of Ministry to the Armed Forces, about Hokana’s new position. Hokana helps oversee the Synod’s ministry to U.S. service members, veterans and their families.
KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod Chaplain Craig Muehler about worship for those serving in the military.
In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, the topic of suicide is discussed. Specifically, insight into suicides among active and inactive military members is highlighted, along with ways to help prevent suicides.
In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, insight is provided about spiritual warfare and how upholding the First Commandment can invite conflict.
In this issue from LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, the ongoing need for married couples to discuss with each other where they are emotionally is discussed. An article suggesting to married couples what they can do to avoid destroying their marriage is also provided. In addition, a devotional thought to encourage readers in their faith is shared.
Chaplain Craig G. Muehler, director, LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, discusses the role of the military chaplain.