Advocating for the unborn, weak and vulnerable

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Spring 2015 newsletter

This month, the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments on same-sex marriage as it pertains to states’ rights. Learn how we as Lutherans unpack the issue in the spring 2015 issue of the Free to be Faithful newsletter.

LCMS Life Ministry — Spring 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Life Ministry, highlights from this past January’s Life Conference in Washington, D.C., is shared. In addition, information about an upcoming ultrasound video project and news from Y4Life (Lutherans for Life) is provided. Lastly, readers are provided updates and overviews of various conferences, activities and resources related to all sanctity of life issues.

They Speak For Life

A celebration of three women who stand for life and the LCMS participation in the March for Life.

LCMS Life Ministry — Winter 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Life Ministry, insight into end-of-life decisions and the faith issues that surround them is provided. In addition, information about disabilities resources from the LCMS Disability Task Force is given. Lastly, readers are provided updates and overviews of various conferences, activities and resources related to all sanctity of life issues.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Winter 2014 newsletter

Religious liberty and conscience, so long considered foundational in the United States of America, has been challenged in no less than three major Supreme Court cases in the last five years, with plenty more on the way.

LCMS Life Ministry — Fall 2014 newsletter

After a two-year absence, Notes for Life is back with this fall 2014 issue. In this issue, you will learn why marriage matters and why it is so essential to fight for its sanctity in our world.

Karner and Tobias discuss the sanctity of life

Maggie Karner, director LCMS Life and Health Ministries, and Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, talk to KFUO about the sanctity of life and the 2014 March for Life.