COVID-19: Resources from DOXOLOGY

DOXOLOGY, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, offers resources for pastors and congregations. Their goal is to support faithful pastors in their vital service to the dear souls committed to their care.

Emotions and the Church

One thing that happens because we are a church body that highly values thinking and learning is that we talk less about our emotions.

Video: ‘Caring for Pastors’

In this video presentation, Chaplain (Army Lt. Col.) Steven C. Hokana shares a word of encouragement for pastors who are struggling through the current coronavirus pandemic. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod loves you and cares deeply about you.

Who should I talk to?

We should be asking for help. We all have problems. In this sinful world not a one of us will escape the need for help. We confess it every Sunday in our churches.