The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) document library includes:

  • Reports: The CTCR brings matters of theology to the membership of the Synod through special studies and documents.
  • Evaluations: The CTCR provides evaluations on a broad range of religious organizations and movements from a Lutheran theological perspective.
  • Theological Opinions: Documents are prepared in response to a request for an opinion on a specific theological issue (e.g., from the president of the Synod, a district, board, commission, or dispute resolution panel).

Biblical Authority

These documents address inspiration and inerrancy, interpretive principles, the relationship between the Gospel and Scripture, and inclusive language.

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Lutheran & Other Christians

These documents focus on the Lutheran understanding of church fellowship, ecumenism, and principles for cooperation in externals.

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Christian Faith, Life and Witness

The CTCR addresses topics such as Christians and social media, guidelines for church workers participating in civic events, the mission of the church, evangelism and church growth.

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Creation and New Creation

The CTCR addresses the topics of creation in a Biblical perspective, caring for God’s living earth, the natural knowledge of God in Christian confession and witness, and the end times.

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Church and Ministry

The CTCR addresses topics such as the Divine Call, the royal priesthood, church discipline, and privileged communications in a pastor-penitent relationship.

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Means of Grace

The CTCR addresses the topics of confession and absolution, Holy Baptism, admission to the Lord’s Supper, and guidelines for congregational communion statements.

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Marriage & Sexuality

The CTCR provides Scriptural perspectives to explain God’s design for human sexuality and marriage between one man and one woman.
Topics also include divorce, remarriage and gender identity.

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Man & Woman in the Church

The CTCR examines Scripture regarding God’s design for man/woman relationships in marriage and the church. Documents focus on the service of women in local congregations and synodical offices.

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Life Issues

These documents focus on topics including abortion, reproductive ethics, and end-of-life concerns and decisions. Reports include “Christian Care at Life’s End” and “Abortion in Perspective.”

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Social Issues & Citizenship

The Commission addresses the Lutheran view of church and state, racism, immigration, gambling, capital punishment, and the care of creation.

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Bible Studies and Discussion Guides

The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations has compiled Bible study materials and presentation slides for pastors to use in guiding congregations through God’s Word while examining various church and societal matters.

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Religious Organizations

From a Lutheran perspective, the CTCR evaluates world religions, religious organizations and movements, and fraternal organizations and lodges.

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Task Force Reports

Established out of convention resolutions, LCMS task force report topics include abortion, life issues, licensed lay deacons, homosexual clergy in the ELCA, and ministering to homosexuals and their families.

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As an additional way of carrying out its assignments, the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations utilizes conferences and convocations to bring theological matters for discussion to the membership of the Synod.

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Additional Resources

LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations