The Free to be Faithful® Newsletter highlights important and relevant detail on religious liberty issues that impact the rights of Christians. Information from this newsletter can be reproduced for your congregation’s use.

Topics include:

  • The 2019 March for Life and the LCMS Life Conference that focused on confessing God’s truth about the sanctity of human life.
  • A statement from LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, responding to recent legislation in New York and Illinois that expands abortion and undermines the sanctity of life.
  • The case of a Christian public high school teacher in Virginia who was fired because he refused to use male pronouns to refer to a female student who identified as transgender.
  • The latest news from the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL) in Washington, D.C. and its work to proclaim Christ to our culture.
  • An update from the Liberty Counsel regarding a U.S. Supreme Court case involving the “Peace Cross” war memorial in Bladensburg, Md.

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