Free devotional from LCMS Disaster Response

This devotional booklet is intended for anyone who is suffering from the brokenness of this world. Whether you have been affected by a natural disaster or other trauma, whether your life is extraordinary or you are struggling with normal stress, this is a devotional booklet for you.

Formula of Concord Study: Article V

This article considers whether the gospel is a preaching of repentance that rebukes sin and unbelief. The authors of the Formula conclude that the answer depends on what you mean by “gospel.”

Journal of Lutheran Mission – September 2016

Throughout time, the Church continues to reform and repent, dialogue and discern. This issue focuses on the community of believers who call themselves Lutheran and the confession they make as a result.

Formula of Concord Study: Article IV

As we’ll study more below, the Confessors of the Formula of Concord took great care to properly define “good work” as that which flows, not unto faith and salvation, but from faith and salvation.

Bible Study with Luther: Galatians 4:21-31

The propensity of the sinner is to trust in the visible works of the Law; to place our confidence in our own deeds, rather than the saving act of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Remembering the Reformation Martyrs

Although in modern parlance, the term "martyr" has come to mean a person who suffers and dies for a cause, the original meaning of the Greek word is merely "a witness.” 

Right from the beginning – Bible Study

Written to accompany the video for Erin Bode’s song “Right from the Beginning,” this Bible study teaches the truth of life as a gift from God, while facing the reality of our sinful condition, all in light of God’s love in Christ Jesus.

Formula of Concord Study: Article III

In article III, we will see how the Lutheran Confessions address and faithfully refute old and new efforts to refashion the doctrine of justification as some change within us.