Giving a Witness to the Resurrection at Easter
The Christian who prepares an "elevator speech" on Christ’s resurrection will be blessed in the preparation and opportunity to share it.
Insight and perspective from LCMS leaders
The Christian who prepares an "elevator speech" on Christ’s resurrection will be blessed in the preparation and opportunity to share it.
The events of October 31st 1517, the day that Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, were not set in motion by a man’s ambitious vision to revolutionize the spirituality of the west. Nor were they set in motion by Luther’s iconoclastic vainglory that sought to topple the ancient powers of tradition and the papacy. Rather, Luther swung his hammer as a pastor. He cared for the eternal welfare of his flock.
For the first time, we asked Young Adult Volunteers at the 2016 LCMS Youth Gathering to take a short poll based on the LYF Youth Poll that has been conducted at most previous Gatherings. These results help us to see how young adults in LCMS congregations are supported in their faith lives. This data has prompted further research to come.
Will the loss of the charitable deduction ruin the fabric of the nonprofit sector and cause the end of the world? Only if getting something out of the act of giving is more important than the positive change that happens through the church and its related nonprofits.
DCEs share how a congregation can benefit from having a Director of Christian Education.
Find an LCMS Servant Event for your group this summer. I am an echo that points to Jesus!
The most enduring symbol of the Lutheran Reformation is the seal that Luther himself designed to represent his theology. By the early 1520s, this seal begins to appear on the title page of Luther’s works.
People groups to remember and care for this Christmas as well as ideas to serve for the whole family.
Curious about what Lutherans have been doing in the Carolinas since Hurricane Matthew? Look no further.
Find "that youth" during this most wonderful time of the year. Remind them of the gift they need (and already have).
Giving thanks for LCMS Servant Event leaders and those who will be attending an event this year!
What studying LCMS Baptism and Confirmation trends reveals about the state of our church body and our hope for the future.
Are we asking – even expecting – an increasing number of people to use the financial equivalent of a rotary-dial phone in an era of smartphones and chip-enabled debit cards?
As we approach Reformation Day, are our churches a place where we can wrestle with questions of faith? In a time with instant access to information, the church's response to questions can help faith to grow or it can lead to isolation and uncertainty.
In Christ alone our lives echo Christ's humility. Youth demonstrated this through service at the Gathering. Continue to be an echo at home.