Life Together with President Harrison – November 2016

A new manual for church planting, the 2016 Convention proceedings and a new resource from CPH on sexual morality. Journey around the country with a video telling the story of Rural & Small Town Ministry and see images from the LCMS response to Hurricane Matthew in Haiti.

‘Free To Be Faithful’ – Fall 2016 newsletter

The Fall 2016 issue of the Free To Be Faithful Newsletter features information on important court cases and related issues at the forefront this year having significant implications for the rights of Christians to live faithfully.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – September 2016 newsletter

In the September 2016 issue of StewardCAST, LCMS Stewardship Ministry focuses on how the Body of Christ needs to learn to be true stewards of time. The fleeting nature of time makes it a strong candidate for stewardship formation.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission — October 2016 newsletter

The October 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ shares the story of the collaboration between Faith Lutheran Church in Knob Noster, Mo., and the Warrensburg Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Central Missouri. This partnership is called the Faith and Campus Mission Ministry.

Life Together with President Harrison – September 2016

In our trying times, it is good to remember that faith is a living daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a believer would stake his life on it a thousand times. This edition of Life Together introduces the new life campaign - #eyesoflife - as well as the Lutheran Federal Credit Union, a fantastic new resource designed to serve our members specifically.