Luther and Zwingli

In the year 1529, Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli came face to face in the city of Marburg, Germany for a discussion on political unity among protestants.

Luther and Erasmus

There are few men of the 15th and 16th centuries that deserve our attention more than Erasmus Desiderius of Rotterdam. He represents the pinnacle of Christian humanism, an intellectual movement that revitalized classical and biblical scholarship north of the Alps.

Luther’s Love for St. Mary, Queen of Heaven
An image of Albrecht Dürer's Virgin and Child with Half a Pear

Luther’s Love for St. Mary, Queen of Heaven

It’s probably not what you think. In his devotional writings on the Magnificat, Luther carefully outlines how we should and should not honor this “Most Blessed Virgin Mother.”

LCMS Black Ministry – Second Quarter 2017 newsletter

Many LCMS pastors, deaconesses and lay leaders strongly believe in mission to their home communities around the world. Many return home to share God’s love in Christ and to enhance or begin ministry work in these places.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission — June 2017 newsletter

The June 2017 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ shares insight into teaching the faith to adults in congregations. This task should be balanced between normal classroom learning and the learning that happens when individuals share life together and build up one another in Christ.

The Reformers on the Ascension

What benefits do we gain from Jesus’ ascension? Lutheran Reformers in their sermons point us to the scriptural answers to these questions. They emphasize Christ’s victory over sin and his continual presence with his church in the world.

Life Together with President Harrison – May 2017

Blessed Eastertide to all. Christ is risen, he is risen indeed! LCMS volunteers have been working hard to help with flood relief. Decades of mission work is bearing fruit in Togo. We've got articles on baptism, marriage and much more in the Digest this month.