LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces – Third Quarter 2018 newsletter
In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, combating sleeplessness through reading God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is discussed.
In this issue of So Help Me God from the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, combating sleeplessness through reading God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is discussed.
The Rev. Dr. Steven Hokana, chaplain, Lt. Col., USA (Ret.), D. Min., BCC, assistant director for the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, presents “Reaching Out and Caring for Veterans.”
Celebrate all that God has done through Concordia College Alabama, Selma, Ala. Praise Him for His grace and trust in Him for the future. Sadly, Concordia is closed. Nevertheless, we pray that God continues the work begun through the faculty, staff and students over the years.
LCMS' “Free to be Faithful Newsletter” provides an update on the case concerning ministers' housing allowances. Churches should note this discussion is taking place, as it could change the way pastors are paid.
LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission Newsletter highlights the collaborative work that has been taking place among churches in western Kansas for more than 40 years.
LCMS Parish Nurse Newsletter provides information and insight about handling times of transition in life — whether your own or when caring for others.
President Matthew Harrison shares news and resources from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin blurbs and newsletter articles each month to use in church publications.
A portion of this “white paper” takes up the demographic challenge of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. I pray, that as we face challenges with the Word of God, we will continue to grow together in unity.
Dr. John Eckrich, a retired practicing physician and the founder of Grace Place Wellness Ministries, teaches on “Fear, Anxiety, and Wellness: Journey to a Heart at Peace.”
Even as our world changes, the Word of God remains the same. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod proclaims this truth here and throughout the world in mission work, disaster response, universities, seminaries and especially in our congregations.
LCMS Stewardship highlights the importance of Lutherans telling the story of the work of Jesus in the lives of those stewards who gather together around Word and Sacrament.
The ability to spread a message worldwide is changing and growing daily. How can we leverage new tools to enhance our task of preaching?
LCMS Rural & Small-Town Mission Newsletter highlights how Concordia Center for the Family in Ann Arbor, Mich., promotes and encourages healthy Christ-centered family relationships.
LCMS School Ministry provides direction for starting, expanding, or improving a Christ-centered early childhood development ministry associated with a Lutheran elementary school.