Anchored in Christ Curriculum Videos — Module 2

This lesson reminds participants that Jesus is always with them and that no matter what happens in our life or world, Jesus is with us even to the very end of the age. Even amid significant change or trials, the Lord is with us, and His love and divine care for us never falters or changes.

Anchored in Christ Curriculum Videos — Module 3

This lesson reminds participants not to be overwhelmed with worry but have a spirit of hope because they are anchored in Christ. Even when weary and worn out, we can look to Jesus and His gifts to find strength, comfort, peace and great hope.

Anchored in Christ Curriculum Videos — Module 4

This lesson reminds participants to put their full trust in the Lord, recognizing that their certainty in the eternal joy to come enables confidence in Christ through any changes that come in this life. We can trust the Lord because He has never forsaken us and will never let us down.