Set Apart to Serve

Set Apart to Serve Resources

Resources to use to encourage church work vocations, can be found on our resource hub. These resources include conversation guides, Bible studies, promotional items and more.

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LCMS Document Library

Curated collection of resources for congregations, church workers, and members.

CTCR Document Library

Reports, evaluations and Theological opinions.

Life Document Library

Papers, articles and information on life issues.

Preach the Word

Video modules and networking program to help pastors improve their preaching.

Life Together as Synod Video Series

Life Together as Synod

This video series looks at LCMS history; its structure, boards, entities and institutions; how a rostered worker is called; and more.

Lutheran Reformation Resources

Learn about the history of the Lutheran Reformation.

Mercy Booklets

Resources for encouraging the faithful, mercy filled lives in home, workplace, congregation, and community.

Disaster Response & Training

Helping the hurting amid disaster – resources for congregations and individuals.

Congregational Media Kits

Congregations are invited to use and personalize free resources to advertise worship services or simply to generate opportunities for pastoral conversations in the community.