Video: An Easter devotion with President Harrison
In uncertain times, we have certain promises through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In uncertain times, we have certain promises through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In this video presentation, Chaplain (Army Lt. Col.) Steven C. Hokana shares a word of encouragement for pastors who are struggling through the current coronavirus pandemic. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod loves you and cares deeply about you.
Julianna Shults, a director of Christian education and program manager for the LCMS Lutheran Young Adult Corps, shares how the program’s long-term deployed volunteers benefit urban mission.
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Ms. Laura Hofman and Rev. Dr. Dennis Goff presented a free webinar on “Mental Health and Its Impact on the City.”
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Rev. Larry Vogel presented a free webinar on “Understanding Social Issues in the Urban Setting.”
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod gathers in convention July 20-25, 2019, in Tampa, Fla., to worship, encourage one another and make decisions that will guide the next three years of our Gospel proclamation around the world.
Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Nicole Ridley and Fred Kimbrough of LCMS National Housing Support Corporation presented a webinar on “Community Development and Mission.”
During a webinar on “Insights on Black Ministry,” the Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Gray shared ways to establish and grow ministry to African-Americans in your community, and he addressed unique challenges such as racism, poverty, discrimination, and family structure.
Baptism is a daily reality for each Christian, who lives out the reality of God's gifts received in Baptism.
In the first installment of LCMS Urban & Inner City Mission webinars, Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Pulse describes his journey into urban mission and helps to answer the question, “Why does God care about the city, and why should the Body of Christ?”
This PALS course will address the pastor’s personal, family, and corporate life of prayer.
This PALS course aims to assist the pastor and his family in making the contextual transition without feeling alienated and isolated.
How can preachers emphasize the central reality that God is present and forgives sins through His Word in specific places according to His promises?
Helpful information on how to start an exercise program in the congregation.
The Rev. Dr. Steven Hokana, chaplain, Lt. Col., USA (Ret.), D. Min., BCC, assistant director for the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, presents “Reaching Out and Caring for Veterans.”