Stewardship Ministry helps congregations grow in their understanding and implementation of a life of stewardship.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – January 2019 newsletter

The January 2019 LCMS Stewardship Ministry newsletter reminds us that stewardship is a major undertaking, and the Holy Spirit accomplishes amazing things through the Word and Sacrament administered by steward leaders in congregations.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry: September 2018 newsletter

LCMS Stewardship shares insight into why some congregations and individuals are “surprised by stewardship” every year. Stewardship planning is one of those things that often gets lost in the weeds after summer.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – August 2018 newsletter

LCMS Stewardship explains how mission trips can be a great teaching and forming tool for stewards. The lessons can be much greater than a participant’s feelings and experience — they can be formational and lasting.