Lent, Holy Week and Easter media kit — Christ’s Passion
Advertise your congregation’s service schedule with free, customizable resources and invite community members to worship.
Advertise your congregation’s service schedule with free, customizable resources and invite community members to worship.
The suggested hymns are offered with the intent that the people of God not only hear the Word as proclaimed in the readings and the sermon but also join in the proclamation of each Sunday or feast.
This resource offers guidance and spiritual support for individuals, caregivers and others who are navigating various mental health challenges.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) document library includes reports, statements, evaluations, and opinions.
The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations addresses topics such as the Divine Call, the royal priesthood, church discipline, and privileged communications in a pastor-penitent relationship.
This resource offer guidance and spiritual support for individuals, caregivers and others who are navigating various mental health challenges.
In this course, Prof. John Pless addresses many of the ethical challenges pastors and laity face when making decisions about treatment and care when life appears to be ending.
Rev. Dan Torkelson discusses the various "aspects" (not stages) of the dying and their family members.
This presentation, with workbook for group discussion, helps pastors reaffirm the law/gospel heart of their preaching while also encouraging them to explore the art.
This video course addresses many of the issues pastors face in providing premarital pastoral care.
Rev. Wayne J. Knolhoff presents at the issue of stewardship in three sessions.
Dr. Biermann that presents on the idea of stewardship.
These devotions were crafted to give you encouragement and assurance, based upon the Word of God. No matter what your circumstances may be, you are loved by Christ.
Helps pastors consider two types of experiences in the sermon: moments of meditation and moments of movement.
This PALS course guides pastors through a proven process for leading positive change in congregations.