Through this monthly digital news digest, President Harrison shares highlights from Synod publications and multimedia outlets.
Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, discusses how it’s possible that we can be joyfully Lutheran in the way in which we manage the gifts we’ve been given.
Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, talks about the great joy that is ours to share when pastors, circuit visitors and district presidents make visitation a high priority in ministry.
President Matthew Harrison shares news and resources from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
President Matthew Harrison shares news and resources from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Update from president Harrison.
Update from president Harrison.
In this issue, please find a disaster response update from Texas, church-planting and evangelism program resources, and a new column in The Lutheran Witness.
A blessed Advent to you all and a very Merry Christmas!
We've heard about great Reformation 500 celebrations all over the country so we're excited to share some of those with you.
This month’s Life Together News Digest focuses on 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
This month’s Life Together News Digest focuses on the Synod’s initial response to Hurricane Irma and the sustained response to Harvey.
Looking for ways to joyfully share the Gospel in a “real world” context? Want to virtually tour historic Reformation sites or hear more about mission work in Santo Domingo? President Harrison shares this and much more in this month’s Life Together News Digest.
Can't make it to Germany this year? We've got an exclusive video tour with President Harrison! Watch part one with this month's digest. And then stick around for stories about being a chaplain at a Tyson plant, starting a pro-life ministry in a church, responding to 13 Reasons Why with love and much more.
Blessed Eastertide to all. Christ is risen, he is risen indeed! LCMS volunteers have been working hard to help with flood relief. Decades of mission work is bearing fruit in Togo. We've got articles on baptism, marriage and much more in the Digest this month.
This edition of Life Together highlights many areas of prayer and trial for the LCMS.