Advocating for the unborn, weak and vulnerable

Million Dollar Life Match Media Kit

Resources are available to help your congregation build excitement around starting a new pro-life mercy project or expanding an existing one and to promote your work in the community.

LCMS Life Ministry — Fall 2021 newsletter

The Fall 2021 News and Notes newsletter offers hopeful updates for defenders of life, including information about a hormone that allows a woman to reverse the effects of abortion-inducing drugs.

Life Ministry Library

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has assembled a large online collection of papers, articles, and information on life issues.

I Will Grieve for the Suicide

In this book, the Rev. Peter Preus provides Gospel comfort for those who are left behind after a Christian commits suicide. He addresses the stigma, psychology and theology of suicide, as well as the grieving process that follows it, and the hope Christians can find in Christ.