Suggestions for Advent

The season of anticipation is almost upon us! How will your congregation mark it? Here are some suggestions toward a fuller celebration this Advent in your congregation.

Leapfrogging Our Judea

Researchers have declared that our nation is now the third largest mission field in the world. Yet, we continue to think of mission work as something to do "over there."

Imitating God’s Generosity

Each month Stewardship Ministry produces a newsletter article suitable for congregational use. Here is an excerpt from this month's article on imitating the generosity of our Heavenly Father.

An Advent Midweek Lectionary and Hymn Guide

Despite the well-established custom of midweek Advent services in our parishes, our worship book does not provide lectionary readings or suggestions for midweek. This allows for seasonal themes to be developed, but sometimes pastors look for some concrete guidance in this area. The following suggestions are offered for consideration in meeting this need. This guide provides a psalm and Old Testament reading for each day, plus a narrative portion of Luke 1 to introduce the story of our Lord’s Advent in the flesh.

Thanksgiving Hymn Guide

Thanksgiving is, strictly speaking, a feast of the First Article. And so we confess that it is our solemn duty to “thank and praise” our kind and heavenly Father. And yet it is also a gift of the Second Article, since for the Christian, all thanks is offered in and through Christ. Finally, it is also a gift of the Third Article, for such thanksgiving is finally possible only for the one who has been brought to faith in Christ, and such faith is invariably the work of the Holy Spirit Who leads us to receive all things with thanks and praise.

‘Free to be Faithful’ – Winter 2014 newsletter

Religious liberty and conscience, so long considered foundational in the United States of America, has been challenged in no less than three major Supreme Court cases in the last five years, with plenty more on the way.

Planting a Reformation

"Revitalization of the Synod shall come from neither missions nor more synodical power: The Word is the only remedy," said Friedrich Pfotenhauer. When we plant churches, we plant the Word, and with it we bring reformation to the church at large.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – November 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), congregational members are encouraged to extend a hand in genuine friendship and engage with those members who attend their church infrequently. In addition, general information about the ongoing Engaging Your Community (EYC) events and free monthly webinars is communicated.

That’s Epic

Tonight in our small burg just like many other places around our great nation, there will be a football game. But here, it won’t be any ordinary game, it’s the first round of district play so all eyes are on the big prize. No doubt, it’s going to be Epic!