The June 2015 issue of the Journal of Lutheran Mission reflects on the way in which the Holy Spirit has moved the Gospel from place to place, working when and where it pleases God (John 3:8; AC V 2). Within these pages, readers will find papers presented at the LCMS Mission Summit held in Orange County, Calif., Nov. 20–21, 2014.
Table of Contents
- The Culture of Christianity by Scott Murray
- America’s Changing Demographic Landscape by Larry M. Vogel
- Reflections on Seven Megatrends Shaping 21st Century Mission by Albert B. Collver III
- Church Survival in Adverse Society by Alexey Streltsov
- Factors That Contributed to the Growth of the EECMY in General and Central Ethiopian Synod in Particular by Abraham Mengesha Mitku
- Response to Abraham Mengescha-Mitku’s “Factors That Contributed to the Growth of the EECMY in General and Central Ethiopian Synod in Particular” and Albert B. Collver III’s “Reflections on Seven Megatrends Shaping the 21st Century” by Klaus Detlev Schulz
- A Letter from the Office of International Mission
- Book Review: The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Second Letter to the Corinthians by John T. Pless
- Book Review: A Lutheran Primer for Preaching: A Theological and Practical Approach to Sermon Writing by Albert B. Collver III