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In this Life Together Digest, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), discusses the war in Ukraine and its impact on many, including the Lutherans in our Ukrainian partner church.

“These are troubling days, and they get more troubling day after day, even hour after hour,” said Harrison.

He directs viewers to, which contains information on how to support the efforts of several Lutheran church bodies and missionaries in Europe who are helping refugees and others affected by the violence.

“My dear friends, the Lord is in His heavens, it is His world. … We can be sure that this too will work for good in myriad ways, indeed is working for good,” said Harrison.

Read the current issue:

Life Together News Digest

Life Together, a monthly email news digest from LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison, features highlights from Synod publications and multimedia outlets. There is something for pastors, church workers and laity.