The Free to be Faithful® newsletter highlights important and relevant details on religious liberty issues that impact the rights of Christians to live faithfully.
In this issue, read:
- The unlawful addition of abortion and abortion counseling to the medical benefits package of the Department of Veterans Affairs;
- The Supreme Court case 303 Creative v. Elenis, which contests a Colorado state law that denies free speech to artists;
- Information about the Respect for Marriage Act;
- The importance of protecting parental rights to direct the upbringing, education and care of their children; and
- Information on the attacks by Jane’s Revenge on pregnancy centers and churches.
Information from this newsletter can be reproduced for your congregation’s use.
If you would like to stay informed on issues related to marriage, life, religious freedom or the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, please send your name and address to freetobefaithful@lcms.org.
Visit lcms.org/freetobefaithful to learn more about this initiative and the resources it offers.