Insight and perspective from LCMS leaders
The act of pastoral blessing is nothing new. In fact, Aaron gives a blessing in what is referred to as the Aaronic benediction, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift us his countenance upon you and give you peace” (Num. 6:24–26).
Tragic events—including the death of a loved one, a grave medical diagnosis or a catastrophic natural disaster—peel back the façade that covers this broken world. Tragedy often allows people to see with greater clarity the destructiveness of a fallen world and sin’s consequences.
At the foundation of Luther’s spiritual care was visitation. During visitation, or when he could only write, Luther often gave comfort with Scripture, he recommended hymn singing and he often concluded with a blessing.
Effective outreach is a critical element of a congregation's well-being. What is "effective outreach"?
Together we will reach the least and the lost in MissionField: USA, and we will bring the Gospel to new people in new places across the country. We are going to tell the Good News and love our neighbor.
We are celebrating the service of volunteers in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Wouldn't it be great to have more volunteers to celebrate? Here are some ideas to get more people involved ... and people more involved.
Thank you to all of the LCMS Disaster Response volunteers. The amount of support you have offered continues to be astonishing. To those of you who are just now learning about volunteer opportunities, come and join us. You’ll be amazed what is possible.
Volunteers serving in Poland, Malawi, Madagascar, and Tanzania share their stories of serving in the international mission field.
In our inaugural year, Lutheran Young Adult Corps participants will complete over 19,000 hours of service to help Community Partners reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through acts of mercy.
We give thanks to God for the incredible support He gives to us through our volunteers.
Sarah Harms, GEO missionary in the Czech Republic, who participated in her first English Bible Camp in 2017.
Whether in Hong Kong or Taiwan, the Synod's mission in the Asia region does not change. The work continues to focus on the preaching of Christ crucified.
It's day one of the first ever Mercy Medical Team serving in Togo. Walk through the day with us to see what it's like to serve in a medical clinic on…
Apart from God - we are all in the dark, we are all hungry, we are all homeless and alone. And when it comes to being saved by God, we are all beggars with nothing to offer. But God sent His Son to lavish us in the richness of His love and mercy. So my dear friends if you feel unwanted, unloved, unforgiven, lonely and written off by the world as unimportant, then let me just say this – Merry Christmas! God has sent His Son because you are wanted, you are loved, and you are forgiven. You are so precious that God would send His one and only Son to be born, to live, and to die in poverty so that you can have eternal life in glory with Him.
John 14:25–31 25 “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he…