Teach the Basics: Equipping volunteers to serve
Teach the Basics: Equipping volunteers to serve in ministry.
Insight and perspective from LCMS leaders
Teach the Basics: Equipping volunteers to serve in ministry.
The need for healthcare and education internationally is enormous, and the MMT program will continue to walk alongside our international partners to help meet this need. However, that same need exists right here in the United States as well.
Families must be able to cope with disaster by preparing and working as a team. Maintaining a ready supply of food, water, hygiene, health items and a few basic tools can go a long way to making sure your family can take care of itself for a few days without outside help.
When we see positive data like the Youth Polls present, why wouldn’t we want that for all our teens? How are we investing in all youth?
On The Sign Of The Cross In Baptism - A Poem by Henry Alford In token that thou shalt not fear Christ crucified to own, We print the Cross upon…
For almost a decade LCMS Disaster Response has been training Lutheran Early Response Teams (LERT). In fact, there are over 14,000 trained LERT members across the LCMS. I am often asked how we can get a LERT training event at my church and what should I expect during the training.
Martin Luther died at 3:00 AM on February 18, 1546. Contrary to the expectations of Luther and many of his colleagues, he did not die in Wittenberg, the location of many of his greatest accomplishments.
What I've learned from a friend who does Crossfit and why the Church should take notice.
Even though sending used clothes sounds like the ‘easy’ way to help, gift cards can be an incredibly effective way to give real physical assistance to an individual or a family.
Are we ready for a serious go at journeying through Lent? If so, perhaps we should stop giving up things for Lent and use this sacred time to take up things instead.
Before Rosa Parks, there was Rosa Young. 4 leadership lessons from Rosa Young on leaving a lasting impact
Why do bad things happen? What are Lutherans to believe when everything is in chaos and God feels so very far away? How can we Trust in God’s Love when we don’t understand what is going on around us?
Lent is approaching - a time for reflection, repentance, and faith. The following is the Stewardship Thought for Ash Wednesday – you can download Stewardship Thoughts for every week of…
Technology provides churches with a vast array of resources that, when used with deliberate care, can extend limited instruction time into the home and directly to the hands of students and families. In today's tech driven world, consider how technology can expand the teaching of God’s Word into digital spaces.
When a disaster hits your own town, your life is turned upside down in a tailspin of events. This is exactly what happened to me.