‘Free to be Faithful’ – Spring 2015 newsletter

This month, the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments on same-sex marriage as it pertains to states’ rights. Learn how we as Lutherans unpack the issue in the spring 2015 issue of the Free to be Faithful newsletter.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – April 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, the importance of seeing stewardship within congregations as not only a financial matter, but also as pastoral care for the souls of members is discussed. When stewardship is viewed in this holistic manner, great things can happen with the Church.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – April 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), ways that congregations can properly welcome their new pastor and his family are discussed and provided. Being patient, offering forgiveness and being there for them are just some of the steps church members can take to help make their transition less difficult.

LCMS Life Ministry — Spring 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Life Ministry, highlights from this past January’s Life Conference in Washington, D.C., is shared. In addition, information about an upcoming ultrasound video project and news from Y4Life (Lutherans for Life) is provided. Lastly, readers are provided updates and overviews of various conferences, activities and resources related to all sanctity of life issues.

LCMS Parish Nursing – Spring 2015 newsletter

In this issue, you will find articles written by parish nurses and others that share ideas and resources for promoting health of body and soul in congregations and communities, both here in the United States and throughout the world.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – March 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, the role of storytelling in the area of stewardship is discussed. Using this very powerful communication tool must be done with caution because the story itself can be idolized. This does not mean, however, that story should be avoided. It can actually be a rich blessing in a congregation’s stewardship life. To achieve this, the pastor must seek out and strategically use stories of faithful stewardship to help alter the congregation’s stewardship culture.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – March 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), the ministry partnership (“joining”) created between Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Creston, Iowa, and First Lutheran Church, Mount Ayr, Iowa, is highlighted. This combined congregation (under the name of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church) is a great example of the possibilities for ministry partnerships that exist for all congregations, especially those in rural and small towns.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – February 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, the relationship between sound biblical stewardship and fundraising is discussed. The reality is that the overuse of and reliance upon fundraisers can damage corporate and individual stewardship. Resolving this issue requires an answer to the following question: Why is fundraising done and who are we doing it for?

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – February 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), suggestions for how smaller congregations can have vibrant choral ministries are provided. In addition, general information about the ongoing Engaging Your Community (EYC) events and monthly free webinars is communicated.

StewardCAST Newsletter – January 2015

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, the concept of faithful stewardship is discussed in regards to individuals making New Year’s resolutions. If these resolutions start with the Lord, as they should, then the people making them will surely be led to results that are pleasing to God.

LCMS Parish Nursing – Winter 2014-2015 newsletter

In this issue, you will find articles written by parish nurses and others that share ideas and resources for promoting health of body and soul in congregations and communities, both here in the United States and throughout the world.

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission – January 2015 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Rural & Small Town Mission (RSTM), the Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, president, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), shares an encouraging message for the Synod’s small congregations. In addition, general information about the ongoing Engaging Your Community (EYC) events and monthly free webinars is communicated.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – December 2014 newsletter

In this issue from LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry, stewardship is viewed through the periscope of the Christmas season and how God’s greatest Gift to His people that first Christmas is the prime example for how we are to maintain and use the good gifts He continues to give us. Knowing that God’s gift of His son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, is for all generations, our faithful response to this gift through our individual and congregational stewardship allows for the sharing of this great Gift for all generations.