Life Together with President Harrison – February 2016
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod President Matthew C. Harrison announces the February edition of Life Together — the Synod’s monthly digital news digest.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod President Matthew C. Harrison announces the February edition of Life Together — the Synod’s monthly digital news digest.
KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Katie Schuermann, Tracy Quaethem, Peter Slayton and Rev. Marcus Zill to discuss the recent March for Life in Washington, D.C., and the Walk for Life West Coast event in San Francisco.
KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Rev. Steve Schave, director, LCMS Church Planting, and Rev. Peter Burfeind about national mission work. Rev. Burfeind is a domestic missionary serving in campus ministry at the University of Toledo and in the struggling inner city of Toledo, Ohio, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church and Student Ministry.
In contrast to other notable reformers of his day, Luther believed that music was “a gift of God to be nurtured and used by man for his delight and edification, as a means for giving praise to the Creator, and as a vehicle for the proclamation of God’s Word.
Stewardship Under the Cross: Stewardship for the Confessional Lutheran Parish was written by the Rev. Heath Curtis, the coordinator of LCMS Stewardship Ministry.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod recommends using these Bible Stewardship Principles in guiding education and appeal efforts in Synod congregations, entities, agencies and auxiliaries.
At the end of the Holy Communion, the Church prays, “we implore You that of Your mercy You would strengthen us through the same in faith toward You and in fervent love toward one another…”
Philip Melanchthon, through his own vacillations on certain doctrines and his irenic spirit that ended up seeking peace at the expense of the truth. It would not be his enemies, however, who would heal these wounds, but his students.
Each month, LCMS’ Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles that can be included in congregational church bulletins and monthly newsletters, respectively.
The purpose of the five-session study is to explore how members of the body of Christ demonstrate love and compassion to people in need as an expression of faith.
Read the first edition of RSO News Update, a new quarterly newsletter for LCMS Recognized Service Organizations. With each issue, we’ll joyfully strive to make this a meaningful resource filled with your stories, programs, best practices and church resources.
The February 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ provides helpful suggestions for building, strengthening and supporting church choirs in rural and small-town congregations.
In our focus on Jesus’ salvific works, we must always remember that the heart of the person and work of the Messiah stands the incarnation.
It is a worthy practice to devote time during the season of Lent to meditate extensively upon the Passion of our Lord. The following suggestions are framed around the reading of the Passion according to St. Luke, combined with an Old Testament reading emphasis upon God’s vindication of “the innocent sufferer.”
LCMS Worship offers the following as brief table devotions during the Lenten season.