Dürer’s Praying Hands: An Artist’s Devotion
Though the Praying Hands is a unique icon in Western art that has transcended the sacred and entered the world of pop culture, the 500 year old work is only a preliminary drawing for a much larger work.
Though the Praying Hands is a unique icon in Western art that has transcended the sacred and entered the world of pop culture, the 500 year old work is only a preliminary drawing for a much larger work.
The beautiful hymn, winner of our Reformation Hymn competition, truly embodies the Reformation 2017 theme “It’s Still All About Jesus.” Author Rev. Dr. Wilfred L. Karsten made special use of the word “still” throughout his five-verse hymn text.
Throughout time, the Church continues to reform and repent, dialogue and discern. This issue focuses on the community of believers who call themselves Lutheran and the confession they make as a result.
One of the chief concerns of the Lutheran Reformers was to protect the conscience of each believer from being harmed by the burdens of works-righteousness or other sorts of legalism.
As we’ll study more below, the Confessors of the Formula of Concord took great care to properly define “good work” as that which flows, not unto faith and salvation, but from faith and salvation.
The propensity of the sinner is to trust in the visible works of the Law; to place our confidence in our own deeds, rather than the saving act of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Webinar provides information regarding the impact of new overtime regulations on districts, congregations, schools and other religious organizations.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Stewardship Ministry creates bulletin sentences and newsletter articles each month for congregations to use in church publications.
The September 2016 issue of Reaching Rural America for Christ provides information about the 2016 National Rural & Small Town Mission Conference, which is scheduled for Nov. 3-5, in Wichita, Kan., at the Wichita Hyatt Regency.
The third quarter 2016 edition of Black Ministry’s TimeLine newsletter includes individuals’ stories that exemplify Jesus at the center of their lives and how God is glorified as a result.
Concordia University System President Dr. Dean O. Wenthe talks about church work career training at Concordia universities and colleges.
Although in modern parlance, the term "martyr" has come to mean a person who suffers and dies for a cause, the original meaning of the Greek word is merely "a witness.”
Toni Larson, a clinical social worker, and the Rev. Steven Cholak talk with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about miscarriage and coping with loss.
One of the primary means for the spread of the gospel in the Lutheran Church has been through preaching.
The Rev. Dr. Carlos Hernandez, director of Church and Community Engagement for the LCMS Office of National Mission, talks with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about the LCMS Soldiers of the Cross and Veterans of the Cross mercy programs.