Albrecht Dürer: The Man Behind the Self-Portrait

Dürer was the one of the first artists to paint self-portraits. But why would he paint in the typical medieval tradition of picturing Jesus in full frontal view and use himself as the visage of Christ?

Sources of the Augsburg Confession

Philipp Melanchthon composed the Augsburg Confession in preparation for the Diet of Augsburg in 1530. The emperor Charles V called the diet in order to resolve the religious issues that were divided the empire.

Table Talk: Melancholy

One issue that Luther returns to again and again, both on his own volition and from the questions of others, is spiritual assault and ‘melancholy.’

Smalcald Articles Study: Chapters and Cloisters

In article III, Luther confesses how dangerous the monastic life was to him and to all ensnared by its promises of “grace through holy living;” Such reasoning robs Christ of His glory as the Savior.

Life Together with President Harrison – June 2017

Can't make it to Germany this year? We've got an exclusive video tour with President Harrison! Watch part one with this month's digest. And then stick around for stories about being a chaplain at a Tyson plant, starting a pro-life ministry in a church, responding to 13 Reasons Why with love and much more.

Luther and Calvin

Calvin is considered by some the one who codified the Reformation in the form that it finally took and is considered by the same to be the truly premier theologian of the era. So, who is Calvin, and what should we think of him as Lutherans? What did Luther think of him?

Luther and Zwingli

In the year 1529, Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli came face to face in the city of Marburg, Germany for a discussion on political unity among protestants.