Life Together with President Harrison – August 2018

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, talks about the great joy that is ours to share when pastors, circuit visitors and district presidents make visitation a high priority in ministry.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – August 2018 newsletter

LCMS Stewardship explains how mission trips can be a great teaching and forming tool for stewards. The lessons can be much greater than a participant’s feelings and experience — they can be formational and lasting.

LCMS Black Ministry – Summer 2018 newsletter

The LCMS Black Ministry summer 2018 newsletter features stories of individuals (and their congregations) that illustrate the power of faith when sharing the Gospel in this difficult world.

CTCR report – ‘Confession and Absolution’

Requested by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in convention, the Commission on Theology and Church Relations adopted a report on “Confession and Absolution” to address these matters.

Faces of the Reformation Series

Explore the past through the people who lived it! Meet 25 men and women passionate about the Reformation re-discovery of the Gospel—either for or against it. Download reproducible bulletin inserts, biographical handouts, and Bible studies for each unforgettable face of the Reformation era.